Colosseum Codex: Renaissance Projects, Solana Scribes Winners, Anchor 0.30

Colosseum Codex: Renaissance Projects, Solana Scribes Winners, Anchor 0.30

🏟️ Renaissance Hackathon Project Directory

The Renaissance Hackathon project directory is now live!

You can explore each of the 1,071 hackathon projects to learn more, meet the team, and find links to the project repos, socials, demos, and presentations.

You can also search projects by name or filter by track and country.

Hackathon winners will be announced soon, and select founders admitted into Colosseum’s startup accelerator will be notified in the coming weeks.

Renaissance Hackathon Project Directory

📜 Solana Scribes Winners

Solana Scribes, the first ever written content contest for Solana, showcased a wide range of submissions across 54 tracks, each aimed to advance the entire Solana ecosystem.

After a thorough judging period the winners have been announced!

I can't cover all the winners here, but I'm featuring the winners of the Development on Solana track where participants were asked to "write a research article on the state of development on Solana".

🥇 First Place:

Deep Dive into Solana Blockchain Development: Tools, Communities, Growth, and Learning Resources by Ayush Kumar Jha

🥈 Second Place:

Development on Solana: 2024 by Tanishq Sharma

🥉 Third Place:

Move, exploring its way into Solana: A Smart Contract Language on the rise by Satyam

You can check out all of the winners on this recap and awards megathread or on Superteam's Solana Scribes.

Huge congrats to each of the winners and a big thanks to everyone that took the time to create useful content about Solana!

⚓ Anchor 0.30.0

Version 0.30.0 release of Anchor introduces several big updates for developers using Anchor.

These updates aim to streamline the development process, reduce errors, and provide more powerful tools for Solana blockchain development.

These changes and updates include:

IDL Type Specification: The IDL type specification and generation have been rewritten. There's now a requirement to include idl-build in your Cargo.toml for IDL generation to work.

Program Declaration: Dependency-free program declaration is now possible with the declare_program! macro, which simplifies creating program clients without dependency issues.

Token Extensions: New account constraints for Token Extensions are introduced, enhancing the security and functionality of token operations.

CPI Wrappers and Interface Attribute: The release includes CPI wrappers for Token Extensions and a new #[interface] attribute for specifying custom instruction discriminators.

Less Heap Allocations: The Borsh serialization now allocates less memory by default, reducing from 1024 bytes to 256 bytes, and includes a new method for writing instruction data.

CLI Enhancements: Updates include support for priority fees, simplified IDL commands, verifiable deployments, and the ability to deactivate test-validator features.

Rust and TypeScript Updates: Significant changes in type handling and program interaction methods in TypeScript, improved account resolution, and a shift towards more explicit type-safe coding practices.

Developers should also upgrade to Solana CLI v1.18.8 and update your project's Anchor crates and TS packages to version 0.30.0.

Anchor Release Notes 0.30.0

👩‍🔧 Solana Updates

Solana v1.17.31 was released in response to ongoing network congestion issues.

This update includes several enhancements specifically designed to improve the handling of increased network activity and demand:

It's important to remember that this update is a partial fix to address congestion issues, but does not represent the more comprehensive updates expected in v1.18.

Solana's mainnet beta update v1.17.31 aims to resolve congestion issues

💎 Developer News

Insights from Web3 Developers on Solana
Voices from the Blockchain: Insights from Web3 Developers on Solana provides an in-depth look into the experiences and insights of leading Solana developers (including me!). The overall themes are to embrace the opportunities and challenges of Solana development, learn from the community and existing projects, and to just start building.

Bonkathon Hackathon
RadiantsDAO is introducing the Bonkathon, a 6-week Hackathon running from April 29 to June 10 with $350k in prizes across six tracks. The goal is to focus on expanding the Bonk ecosystem and driving real consumer adoption on Solana. Solana Foundation will be hosting a Continuation Track, giving teams a chance to finish their Renaissance projects for a chance at $50k.

What are DePIN Networks?
DePINs involve blockchain and tokens to encourage community participation in building real-world infrastructure for various services such as mobility, energy, and telecommunications. While this article was written by Peaq, a DePIN focused L1, everything covered in this article also applies to DePIN apps built on Solana.

⚙️ Tools & Resources

Metaplex Core tutorial from QuickNode to teach you about Core and how to write a script to mint your first NFT using Metaplex Core and the Umi JS library.

bolt-tic-tac-toe a simple game example using the Bolt Entity Component System (ECS). You can also read the walkthrough detailing how this was built. gives you a unique URL to receive and inspect webhook requests.

⚡ Quick Hits

How to Land Transactions on Solana - Helius

Metaplex Core Standard: Optimizing the next generation of NFTs - LEO

SolanaFM now lets you add custom tags and labels to wallet, token or program - @solanafm

Unveiling Transaction Simulation Challenges: Blowfish Case Study - Coinspect

Solana community approves Timely Vote Credits mechanism to speed up transaction confirmations - CryptoSlate

Stake Weighted QoS Explained - @TimGarcia0

Transferable Subscriptions in Access Protocol V2 - Access Protocol

All 6 Solana Games Ambassador Program creators announced - @SolanaGamesAP

The USDC Grant Program for projects leveraging USDC - Circle

SolanaFloor data has officially landed on Step Analytics - @StepFinance_

GooseFX Q1 Development Recap - @GooseFX1

🎧 Listen to This


Jason is joined by Mahesh Ramakrishnan, Seed Investor at Escape Velocity (EV3) to discuss all things DePIN.

The conversation begins with an overview on the DePIN category and why EV3 has chosen to focus it's attention here.

The two then go on to review how the labor market may change as a result of DePIN developments, DePIN's unit economics, bandwidth vs compute providers, as well as EV3's North Star, and 2024's leading DePIN projects.

Why Top Investors Are Excited About DePIN - Mahesh from EV3

Bonus Episodes

Memecoins, Web3 Social Media, and the Evolution of Token Models with Li Jin - The Defiant

Li Jin, co-founder and managing partner at Variant Fund, dives into memecoins, Web3 social media, and the evolving landscape of token models, examining how these elements are shaping the future of digital economies and influencing user interaction in decentralized networks.

How To Fix Solana - Lightspeed

In this episode Mert Mumtaz and Dan Smithdiscuss the state of the Solana network, MarginFi drama, Uniswap vs the SEC, airdrops, Monad's $225 million raise & more.

Let's Get Digi-Physical: From 'Tap' Chips to Taylor Swift - web3 with a16z

Chris Lee, cofounder of IYK, a startup that makes digital experiences tangible through NFC chips, discusses the merging of the digital and physical, new consumer experiences enabled by chipped goods, the challenge of counterfeits and bots, and more.

Follow @mikehale on X or Farcaster!

Thanks for reading ✌️

I hope you found something useful here! If you have any suggestions or feedback just let me know what you think.